Monday, March 8, 2010

Can Collaboration and Merit Based Pay co-exist in the Education field?

I have been watching one of the videos for an assignment in week 7 of my technology 4 teachers class. I am still behind seeing as how the class is finishing up week 8 & starting week 9 on Wed. I was learning about wiki's and collaborative learning.

I live in Oklahoma. Earlier today, I was watching one of the new channels and they were talking about instituting merit based pay for teachers. While watching the video I learned that using technology for our passions increase knowledge and self-directed learning. I decided to take a chance and post my question to see what my peers thoughts would be.

Everything we are learning in college has to do with collaboration and using our peers as resources. I am know wondering how collaboration is going to exist and work if Oklahoma does instate merit based pay. Will collaboration die out? If your ideas are ,what your pay is based on, are you going to want to share your really neat discoveries and idea with fellow teachers? I am not sure that collaborate would exist as freely and available as it does in our non-merit based pay world today.

What do you think?

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